Calling T1AG to a time of Prayer and Fasting for our children and youth! Over the past month, I have had many parents come and visit about issues taking place in their families. It seems that there is one common theme... OUR KIDS ARE UNDER ATTACK!

I don't want to super spiritualize this, but Scripture tells us how to deal with these types of things! Matthew 17:14-21 tells of a boy who had epileptic seizures. The disciples prayed for him, but nothing happened. When Jesus prayed for him however, the demon came out! To answer the question as to "why", Jesus talked of faith the size of a mustard seed. He then said something that I believe applies strategically to T1AG... "This kind (of demonic activity) does not go out except by Prayer and Fasting"!!!

I am asking our leaders specifically, as well as our congregation, to join Rene' and I as well as the Snooks, in a 10 day Fast for our children. We have a sign up list at the reception desk that starts on Thursday April 13 (at midnight tonight) and concludes on Saturday April 22 (at midnight). If you would take a 12 hour shift of fasting and praying, I know it would impact the darkness that is trying to take over this young generation! (You may take more than one shift, if you desire.) We will conclude this time of prayer and fasting with a Celebration Service on Sunday April 23. At that time, we will anoint and pray for kids, youth, parents, grandparents, guardians etc. We will also pray for marriages at that service as well! Thank you for reading this to the end!

Pastor Randall McDonald